What Do the 5% of Product Launches that Succeed Have in Common?

According to the Harvard Business Review, over 30,000 new products are launched each year, just in the packaged consumer goods market. That’s a lot of new stuff battling for our attention and our purchasing power.

HBR also estimates that 95% of those products won’t achieve anything close to planned sales volumes. In blunter terms: they will fail.

Some of the products will be rubbish. Some will have no properly defined market. But many others will be sound propositions that fail simply because not enough people know about them or understand them.

Your new product isn’t launching into an empty space. It’s trying to elbow its way into a room crowded with other newbies and promotions for existing products. And all of that is going on in a world saturated with information and messages.

How do you break through and stand out?

The simple answer is to be visible. And to do that you must be visual.

Visual communications get:

  • 84% more views

  • 94% more clicks

  • 40% more shares

  • 567% more inbound links

Why is this? It has a lot to do with how our brains work. We process visual information 60,000 times faster than text. Rapid processing of visual information was a vital ability in our evolution - particularly if the image being processed was that of a sabre-toothed tiger or some other predator.

We retain 80% of what we see and do, compared to 10% of what we hear and 20% of what we read. Visual communications are a shortcut into our consciousness.

The videos and animations we produce at Somerset Film have the added superpower of being immersive. In other words, people feel part of the story being told. That’s why they are so memorable and why some go viral. Video is vital with novel products where some degree of education is needed before consumers see the point.

So, when you’re planning a product launch and you want it to be one of the few that succeeds, think about how to make your promotion as visual - and memorable - as possible.

To find out more about how to create high impact visual content, contact our Producer, Josh or call 01278 433187.